Friday, September 12, 2014

The best part of the school day

This post corresponds to day #11 of the +TeachThought 30-day blogging challenge, focused on reflective teaching through blogging.  Interested in joining the challenge?  It's not too late! 

If I had to pick my favorite time of the school day, I think my favorite [predictable] part is my morning bus duty.  I love seeing kids right when they get off the buses, greeting them, and sharing some enthusiasm about what a great day it's sure to be.  Their days are just beginning and they are ready for anything.  I think that giving kids a positive interaction in the morning helps put a positive spin on their day.  I remember in high school, our school principal used to say everyday on the announcements, "Make it a great day...or not, the choice is yours."   I like to tell kids "Let's make it a great day!" when I see them in the morning.

There are, of course, several other times during the day that are pretty awesome - and usually they're less predictable. Another blogger, +Amanda Meyer, describes "learning zen" in her latest blog post, and I have to agree that the moments in which students are really in the learning zone are definitely also some of my favorites. There's so much energy and buzz -- it's contagious!  I also love my time spent collaborating with teachers who are in the zone, maybe we'd call it the "teaching zen"?  They are passionate about the content,  can't wait to share it with students, and are excited to see where students go with the new information.

A few other favorite [mostly unpredictable] moments:

  • the moments right after a student figures out how to do or solve something (on their own)
  • the moment when a student finishes a project and proudly shares with their peers
  • the moments when a student goes out of his/her comfort zone to help another student
  • the moments when students teach me something about technology
  • the moments when I stand around with 6th graders and we speak only in #hashtags for 5 minutes
  • the moments when we give kids control of their learning, and they go way beyond our expectations
It's so hard to narrow it down to a favorite moment or part of the school day.  What would you say is your favorite part of the school day?  

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