Tuesday, September 9, 2014

What does your desk say about you?

This post corresponds to day #8 of the +TeachThought 30-day blogging challenge, focused on reflective teaching through blogging.  Interested in joining the challenge?  It's not too late! 

Here's a thought-provoking question: What does what you have in/on your desk say about you?

Well, here's a peak at my desk--

Top of my desk: I just got rid of my desktop, so have a lot more space now! Perfect for the collection of stuff that tends to accumulate there - a laptop charger, QR codes, past issues of Tech & Learning, and of course, my coffee mug!  Truth be told, when I'm in my office, I usually sit at a table instead of at my desk - it makes it easier to collaborate and spread stuff out.  I decided to give my desktop up because I found that I was using my iPad and laptop way more than my desktop (it started collecting dust).  I like to be mobile and able to work wherever I am, and a desktop just doesn't fit that work style.

Inside my desk drawers, I have tech supplies and devices - stuff that I pull out when needed - card readers, iPad keyboard, digital camera. My other tech devices (my iPad, phone, and my laptop) are often with me wherever I am. My other drawer has a few paper files - most of which I've taken a picture of and uploaded to my Evernote or Google Drive, depending on if they're notes (Evernote) or resources for students/staff (Drive).  I think the contents of these drawers also show that I like to be mobile, and that the devices I use everyday are pretty good at doing what I need them to do.

When I thought about it, maybe what's not on/in my desk says more about me than what's there.  No desktop, few paper files, etc.

So.... what does your desk say about you?

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